“Posture is the outward expression of the nervous system.”
What is MYK?
Myokinesthetic System Myo = muscle Kinesthetic = movement
What is the Myokinesthetic System? MYK is a fresh approach to pain relief. This muscle movement technique corrects and balances the nervous system. One of the main things MYK addresses is posture. By balancing the posture, we balance the nervous system. When the nervous system is balanced, the body begins to work the way it’s supposed to work with range of motion increasing and pain decreasing.
How is MYK different?
You don’t get undressed
No oils or creams
Only work on specific muscles along one nerve pathway
3-15 minute sessions
Addresses specific complaints.
People with the following conditions have shown improvement with MYK:
Plantar Fasciitis
Headaches: tension, migraine, hormonal, cluster
Shoulder problems: frozen shoulder, rotator cuff, bursitis, impingement, post surgery
Carpal Tunnel, elbow issues
Neuropathy: diabetes, chemotherapy
Hip and other joint problems
Limited range of motion due to surgery or injury
ADHD: child or adult
and much more!
When should I try MYK?
If you have pain, numbness, tinging, limited range of motion, or posture that is not aligned.
If you have been getting other treatments but still have your problem.
If you have a condition that limits your enjoyment of life.
How long will it take?
Dr. Michael Uriarte, founder of MYK, giving Dan his re-certification for MYK
Most people notice the benefits within 1-4 sessions (if done in the first week).
A typical session will include:
Narrowing to the main problem in the nervous system by assessing posture and asking questions
Working on specific muscles while I move, then you move through ranges of motion
Working on both sides of the body even if the symptoms are only on one side.
Costs and Packages
Posture Analysis – $15 (+tax)
Single MYK Session – $45 (+tax)
3 Session Package with Posture Analysis – $135 (+tax)
In this package the Posture Analysis fee is waived.
3 sessions to be done within one week of first appointment.